Tudor Rose Project
This is a 3 part class series I teach. Each part teaches a different set of stitches to Embroider a Tudor Rose.
Part 1 - Beginning - Reverse Chain, Tent, 4 legged Spider
Part 2 - Intermediate - Heavy Chain, Detached Buttonhole, 8-legged Spider, Ceylon
Part 3 - Advanced - Trellis, Plaited Braid, Ceylon and 8-legged spider
Click on the various buttons to access the notes for each class.
I learned all of these stitches from various sources, but the main ones being classes with Thistle Threads and from Jacqui Carey's Elizabethan Stitches book. The stitches I teach are a small portion of those used in period. To learn more I highly recommend both Jacqui Carey's books and Thistle Threads online classes for learning a wide variety of stitches with many extant examples of these stitches.
Stitch instruction for Reverse Chain, Detached Buttonhole, Ceylon, and Trellis are available from Thistle Threads here.
Books from Jacqui Carey are on her website here.